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About is THE big annual event for and by the Spanish Drupal Community.

DrupalCamp Spain 2010 brings together more than 250 people - developers, designers, clients, companies - who all share a common interest in Drupal.

DrupalCamp Spain 2010 is held on the 26, 27 y 28 of February 2010 in the Cornellà Citilab and costs 25€ for the earlybird registration (first 50) and 35€ thereafter.

DrupalCamp Spain 2010 is a non commercial event, organized by volunteers where sponsorship is paramount. The event should be interesting and inspirinig for all sorts of people, from Drupal junkies, newbies, professionals and companies alike who use or envisage using Drupal. There are four simultaneous threads (one in English), BOF Sessions (informal), a Work Fair, and company stands.

h3. Sessions

The sessions are held in the 4 Citilab auditoriums. The main lecture hall has a capacity for 200-250 assistantes, while the other three can accomodate from 50 to 60 people each. The presentations in English will be held in the main hall. If total sponsorship is sufficient, there will be simultaneous translation of events.

Any user may propose a session which they would like to present. The final calendar of sessions is determined based on the votes of all registered users. Register your session early to receive more votes and assure acceptance!

h3. BOFs

BOFs are informal and/or improvised sessions which take place in the meeting room on the first floor of the Citilab. ( over the three days of the Drupal Camp. Any assistant is welcome and encouraged to reserve a table noting the theme and time on the blackboard to discuss any subject related to Drupal.

h3. Work Fair

During one of the three days (to be determined) a Work Fair will be conducted, allowing Drupal professionals to contact companies and vice versa.

h3. Stands

Over the three days of the Drupal Camp there is an area dedicated to commercial stands for the Event Sponsors, providing an excellent opportunity for them to contact with actual and potential clients.

h3. What you should bring along

At DrupalCamp Spain 2010 there is a spacious area with work tables for BOFs and informal activity so that people can connect and work on aspects of Drupal with other participants, or show their work and ideas to potential clients or collaborators, or even blog about the Camp. Your laptop would thus be an essential tool to bring along.

Apart from this, and lots of enthusiasm for Drupal, you won't need much else.We have a catering service laid on, and there is a Cafeteria. Unless, of course, your alimentation consists of Drupal alone, in which case please warn us so that we can have an ambulance service on standby in case of overdose!

Total asistentes